We've spent 3 extra days in Costa Rica visiting with Jose, Flor, David, Fernanda, Marie Jose, Ruth and Esther--our Tico family. What fun!
Over the course of the three days, we watched two movies, Hugo and Lady Hawk--the first was just released on DVD and the second is from the 1980's! I've cooked and cooked: No Bake Cookies, Snickerdoodles, popped sweet popcorn and regular, fettucini alfredo casserole and an apple crisp. We've also gotten to enjoy the wonderful fruit here--the fresh pineapple, watermelon, mangoes, strawberries are all awesome!
We played games with the family, including cribbage (thanks to Stephen's patient teaching) and Settlers of Catan--a first for us. Jose is still going strong with 11 victories in a row in Settlers!
Sunday morning we attended the 10:30 service with Flor and Esther. Fernanda and Marie Jose taught Sunday School. David went to the early service and Jose had to work.
Stephen and I managed to walk to Otero's, our favorite pizza place, on Monday for lunch. Flor and I ran errands on Saturday so we had some one-on-one time. Stephen and David spent their Saturday afternoon comparing/sharing music.
We love coming to Costa Rica for many reasons--we have dear friends at Iglesia Bautista Vida Nueva, San Jose, we love sharing the gospel in the schools and parks and we can spend time with our true Tico family. Unfortunately for us, the next campaign in Costa Rica (for us) is not until March 2013. I'm thinking a vacation to Costa Rica in September sounds pretty good.