Paula Rhoades started a ladies Bible study (in English) when she came to El Salvador. I was fortunate to start attending when we moved here in 2010. Until last year, our group only had the audio CD's for our studies; but for the most recent studies, several of our Christian sister's in the states have shared their video resources with us, and we've been blessed to be able to watch, as well as listen. This year we've completed, Jonah, a Priscilla Shirer study, and Abundant, Faithful and True, a Kay Arthur, Priscilla Shirer and Beth Moore precept study.
This fall's Bible study started at my house last week. We're doing Beth Moore's study on the life of Paul titled "To Live is Christ." We meet each Friday morning from 10:00 to noon; we start with a time of sharing lessons we learned from our weekly homework, we share prayer requests and have a time of prayer and then we watch the video of the next lesson. We were all excited to study the life of the Apostle Paul and everyone loves the way Beth teaches.
When Alejandra arrived with a VCR and the corresponding tapes we thought, perhaps, the study was one of Beth's older ones. Little did we know that it was only her third study--she wrote it in 1997. Now, before you get me wrong, we realize that the truth of the Bible doesn't change--it is always relevant. However, Beth's wardrobe and hairstyles, not so much! It almost made us long for the days of audio only!
Joking aside, the study has already made an impact on our lives, and we're excited to see what God wants to teach us over the next 9 weeks. We're so thankful to Paula (who purchased our workbooks); we still couldn't do it without you!
We tried to celebrate Ena's birthday yesterday, but she wasn't able to attend. The rest of us enjoyed her treat, healthy Zucchini, Carrot, Apple bread.