Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day before Thanksgiving

It's been four years (2009) since I experienced what "used to be" the normal day before Thanksgiving.   Back then, the day included last minute grocery shopping, baking pumpkin and pecan pies, making cranberry sauce or cranberry salad, etc.  

Although we've always made it to the states for Christmas, we've never gone back to celebrate Thanksgiving.  Since Thanksgiving isn't a holiday here in  El Salvador, although we're doing our best to get it started with our IDEM group (see previous post), the final evangelistic campaign of the year is always scheduled the week after.  We are leaving for Managua, Nicaragua, on Saturday morning.  

For the past three years, we've spent Thanksgiving with whatever group of gringos/missionaries happened to be in country.  So, I always spent this day making at least one Thanksgiving dish--usually a pie.  This year we have been invited to share Thanksgiving at the home of Pastor Steve and Pam Kern.  Rachelle LaBotz, our newest gringa missionary, will be joining us, too.  Even better, Pam said I don't need to prepare anything!

So today, instead of baking, I am thankful to be working on the baby quilt (with these colorful and fun fabrics) for my soon-to-arrive granddaughter.  

Saturday, November 23, 2013

An IDEM Thanksgiving

For the second year, our IDEM (discipleship small group) celebrated Thanksgiving together. There are 8 couples in our group and all but 2 couples are Salvadorans.  So, we and the Blackstocks (our group leaders) are thrilled that the group wants to share this part of our culture.

Last night's traditional menu (prepared by the gringas) included:  turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green been casserole, sweet potato casserole, cranberries, pumpkin pie and pecan pie.  We also had salad, corn, typical Salvadoran red salsa and bread.

After dinner we all shared the things for which we are thankful.  Topping the list:  God's faithfulness and love, family and friends.  This is a group with the right priorities!

Later we played a Bible version of the Taboo game in Spanish, of course.  What a riot!  

 Keeley carves the turkey.
Typical Salvadoran red sauce for the turkey.

Whipped cream and ice cream not pictured.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy Birthday to You

We celebrated Stephen's 63 birthday on Wednesday.  I offered to make him biscuits and gravy, but he opted for Starbucks instead.  Of course, that meant less work for me and less mess in the kitchen! 

The Starbucks barista brought him a free blueberry muffin.  She said it isn't normal for them to do this, but she brought it anyway!  Maybe it was one of the perks of being a gringo in El Salvador.  

After a relaxing morning at home, we went to our favorite Chinese restaurant, 168, for lunch.  They have great lunch specials and the food is as good as our favorite in Lee's Summit.  

Stephen spent most of the afternoon practicing the music for Thursday night and Sunday morning.  After band practice we Skyped with the kids and talked with Jon.  There's nothing sweeter than hearing Maleia say, "Happy Birthday, Grandpa, wish you were here!" and hearing Josiah's sweet little voice sayiing, "Happy Birthday, Stephen."  Last time we were there, he was calling him "Grandpa Stephen," but guess he wanted to shorten it!  

Thursday, November 21, 2013

5 Days of VBS in Guatemala

VBS started on Monday, November 11.  This year's theme was:  Colossal Coaster World--facing fear/trusting God.  The kids could easily relate to the theme and we all loved the music.  I was assigned as a guide for the 11-year olds and Stephen as a guide for the 12-year olds.  We both had awesome groups!  Each day consisted of an opening session, five rotations (Bible story, Bible verse, crafts, music, games/snacks) and a closing session.

DAY 1--There were just under 200 kids in attendance.  Everyone in attendance received a sash and a Colossal Coaster button for attending.  They had the ability to earn a good behavior button (and the ability to lose it); the older kids (11 and up) were also able to earn a star button for memorizing the daily Bible verse in both Spanish and English.  

Hard at work on their roller coaster picture frame craft.
 Awesome group of 11-year olds with our trademark "elevens."
Bible story time--learning about Paul's miraculous conversion on the road to Damascus.

DAY 2--Friend day saw the attendance increase to almost 230 kids!  Everyone who brought a friend earned a LOVE button.  
 Foam ball caps were the craft of the day.  Yes, they're showing their "elevens"

Closing session

Day 3--Another high attendance day for Crazy Hair Day.  

 Fernanda--our 11-year old, 1st place Crazy Hair Day winner with a Barbie doll on her head.
 Dulce--our 11-year old, 2nd place Crazy Hair Day winner.
Rosemarie Rivas (VBS Director) and one of her assistants.

Day 4--We thought we reached the epitome of craziness on Wednesday, but kids of all ages really loved Clown Day.  More than 230 kids attended.

 Two guides and a group of kids "clowning" around
 Me and my good friend, Sherry Jobe, from Corinth, Mississippi
Smiling 12-year olds working on their cross craft.

DAY 5--Highest attendance yet--237--and almost all were in their pajamas for PJ Day.  It was the last day to earn all 5 of the scripture verse buttons and the final day of Apostle Paul's amazing life story.  

 Making a self portrait
 Yes, 12-years will wear their PJ's to VBS
A stage full of kids on the last day!

What an awesome week!  It was worth every minute of preparation to see these kids learning about Jesus and how they can face their fears because He is with them.  My favorite song from the week:  Change my heart, O God; open up my eyes I want to see your glory shining like a light.  Change my heart, O God; stir me up inside I want to feel your spirit movin' in my life.

Pray for the church as they begin follow up with the kids and adults who made decisions during the week.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Two Days in Guatemala

WEEKEND--The campaign officially started on Saturday evening; but we were up early on Saturday to meet the Valley Baptist team for breakfast after their red-eye flight from LAX.  Happily, the hotel had agreed to allow them to check-in when they arrived at 7:30 a.m., so all but two of them opted for rest rather than breakfast.  It didn't matter, though, because breakfast at Capistrano is always good and even better when sharing it with friends like Nelson, Rosemarie, Fabi, Camila, Don Laity and Gary Nelson.  It was a great start to the week.

The team from Oakland Baptist Church, Corinth, Mississippi, arrived at the hotel about 2:30, and barely had time to check-in before leaving for the evening campaign.  Stephen headed out with them and the group from Valley.  

There was still had so much VBS prep work to do that I didn't go along; instead, I stayed back and worked on curtains, buttons and sashes.  

Sunday mornings during a campaign are one of my favorite times of worship.  It is so amazing to see how worship unites the body of Christ across all barriers--cultural, language, economic, etc.  Pastor Nelson didn't have a translator so he did his own translating--first point in English, followed by first point in Spanish.  It was kind of a simultaneous translation by the same person.  At the end we had a sweet time of prayer for VBS.

Sunday night the Oakland Baptist group left for the campaign at 3:30, while the rest of us set Colossal Coaster World VBS in the hotel salons.  I think we were half crazy by the time we finished!   

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

First 3 Days in Guatemala--Nov 6 to 8

After talking with Rosemarie and Nelson and learning about the amount of work that still needed to be accomplished before VBS, we decided to go back to Guatemala three days before the campaign began.  Wednesday morning, November 6, found us at the Pullmantur office buying a one-way ticket for the same afternoon.  We spent the remainder of the morning packing and paying bills so we could be gone.

The bus left at 1:30 p.m. and arrived about 7:30--the afternoon route took a little more time due to the fact that there was more traffic in and around the border and in Guatemala City.  Javier and Claudia picked us up.  We started working as soon as we got to the house.  My workspot was upstairs at the sewing machine!  Stephen spent his time, cutting and gluing.  There was always a house full of church members helping, as well.  Somehow, Rosemarie managed to find time to feed everyone at lunchtime.

During these last 3 days the VBS enrollment continued to rise . . . so we continued to make more name tags, sashes and buttons.  

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Out of Order

Since I haven't had Internet access , except in the business center, I haven't downloaded any of the hundreds of pictures we took.  I also haven't written anything about this amazing week.  So, this morning as I wait in the lobby where I can get an hour or so of free wi-fi, I thought I would let everyone know that the next few posts on this blog will definitely be "out-of-order."  That is to say, out of chronological order!

Today we are checking out of our hotel and returning to Nelson and Rosemarie's house for the night.  They asked us to stay through the "super fiesta" on Sunday and we were happy to do it  It will give us another chance to see many of our VBS kids one more time.  Rosemarie and I are planning to fix thanksgiving dinner today.  There will be a turkey, but not sure about the rest.  I have what I need to make a pumpkin pie, but don't know if I'll have time or "oven" time to fix it.  Anyway, today is a great day to be thankful for everything God has done this week. 

We will head home in one of the vans from IBVN San Salvador (with a small group of Salvadorans) tomorrow after the morning service.  We have a busy week, put I WILL find time to update the blog so I can preserve the memories of this awesome week.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Say Yes to VBS

I have had almost no Internet access this week, so I am very far behind on the VBS posts.

Today the team is taking a break and going to Antigua for the afternoon.  We are excited to reconnect with at least two of our Spanish teachers from summer 2012.

Sorry, no pictures because I have to use a computer in the business center.  Will catch up once I get back online.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Back to Guatemala

Every year I am absolutely amazed by the amount of work it takes to "do VBS" here in Guatemala.  I know that it takes alot to do VBS in the states, too, but I think most churches have the money to buy the VBS curriculum, handouts, crafts, and the rest.  Thankfully, Valley Baptist Church in Bakersfield, California, gives everything they have leftover from their summer VBS (that they can bring in their suitcases) to the church here.  Of course, the other thing that is different is that the VBS is in the Westin Hotel so every single thing they need has to be taken and set up.  There aren't any regular Sunday School room decorations that can be used. 

Right now there are 125 kids enrolled and that number will grow through Monday.  I spent today at the sewing machine--making curtains for the dividers between the classes.  Stephen cut out "hundreds" of buttons--he said when he finished, he could only walk in circles!

In addition to the normal VBS, they are preparing crafts for the moms who bring their kids and then just hang around until it's over.  The church is interested in reaching the whole family.  Also, three days during the campaign, there will be back-yard Bible clubs with Bible stories, verses and crafts. 

All of this work is so VBS can be a tool to share the love of Jesus with the kids who are coming.  Please pray for us as we rush to finish everything before Monday morning.  Pray for good health and stamina for the workers.  Pray that the kids who come will have hearts open and ready to hear the gospel.

Monday, November 4, 2013


This weekend Iglesia Bautista Vida Nueva's annual women's retreat.  Just over 130 women from all four of our sites (Miravalle, Crown Plaza, Lourdes, Apopa) traveled two hours north of San Salvador to Hotel Alicante.  This year's theme was "Metamorphosis."  

The two days were full of activities (painting our personal Metamorphosis tote bag, visiting a butterfly garden, games and dramas), sharing (prayer time, meals and group discussions) and personal reflection time.  

The days were also full of great Bible studies as we heard from three different teachers who focused on the phases of the butterfly life cycle.  First, Ena Lopez taught us about the caterpillar!  Did you know that not all caterpillars become butterflies?  This reminded us of immature Christians who still need milk long after they should be feasting on the meat of the word (Hebrews 5:11-14.)  Dr. Marta Colato taught about the chrysalis.  We never realized until we saw it on video just how the small caterpillar struggles to envelop itself in a hard protective shell.  What comes next for the chrysalis?  Waiting!  They are wrapped up and hanging from a thread for 21-23 days.  The chrysalis reminds us to put off the set aside the old things, renew our minds with the mind of Christ and be ready to become a new creature (Ephesians 4:22-24.)  Patty Contreras finished the study by talking about the finished work of the butterfly!  Just like the butterfly there is a process to follow to be transformed into a new creature.  It includes worshiping God, finding peace in his Word and offering him our surrendered lives.  (2 Kings 5:1-14.)

We were left to answer the following questions:  In what part of the process of metamorphosis are we?  What do we need to do to begin/continue the process of transformation so we can become the women Christ intends us to be?

Here are some great pictures from the weekend!

 Craft time
Chrysalis at the butterfly garden
Beautiful orange butterfly
 My small group discussing after the first Bible study session
 Grounds of the hotel--a bit too cold to swim, though.
 It was so great to get to know the ladies in my small group
Group picture in our Metamorphosis shirts

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Central Time Again

According to my friends on Facebook, Daylight Savings (DST) ended on Saturday night.  

While we didn't recapture a hour of sleep (because we never lost one last spring), we are now back on Central time (CST) again.  
 I just spent the last 7 months learning when to call California to miss nap time and have a chance to Skype before bedtime.  But, now that the time difference between us and our kids/grandkids is 2 hours--I definitely need to "think" before I dial! 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Hilo, Aguja y Biblia (HAB) Women's Event

The last three days the Hilo, Aguja y Biblia ministry at Vida Nueva hosted a workshop and Bible study for a group of women who are being counseled by an organization that works with victims of abuse. The 3-hour session included teaching them how to make a quilt block, snack time and Bible study.  

On Tuesday we taught them how to make a traditional nine-patch quilt block.  Our ministry group had already cut the fabric so all the women had to do was assemble and sew.  Since some of them had never used a sewing machine, there were plenty of us to help.

After snack time, Dr. Colato lead a study from Luke 8:41-56, which explains the healing of the women who touched the hem of Jesus' garment.

On Wednesday, they learned how to make a friendship star block.  This block was a bit more difficult so not everyone was able to finish it.

Everyone enjoyed a snack after we finished our sewing for the day. 

 Isabel taught them the story of Mary and Martha from Luke 10:38-42. and how Jesus commended Mary for choosing the "one necessary thing."

The last day, they sewed their two blocks together and then combined the batting and the backing to make their small quilt.  Some of them decided to use it for a table centerpiece while others decided they would add stuffing to make a small pillow. 

Bible study followed snack time.  Maria Elena shared the story of the Samaritan women found in John 4:4-26.  She was able to share the good news of how they can drink living water to quench their spiritual thirst.  

Twelve women attended our sessions and all were excited to have a completed project at the end of the three days.  We encouraged each of them to visit our church and become a part of the quilting ministry.  

I'm so proud of the each of the women from Hilo, Aguja y Biblia who worked to make this event a success.  They are truly women of God who take His command to "serve" others very seriously.  It's a blessing to work with them.