VBS started on Monday, November 11. This year's theme was: Colossal Coaster World--facing fear/trusting God. The kids could easily relate to the theme and we all loved the music. I was assigned as a guide for the 11-year olds and Stephen as a guide for the 12-year olds. We both had awesome groups! Each day consisted of an opening session, five rotations (Bible story, Bible verse, crafts, music, games/snacks) and a closing session.
DAY 1--There were just under 200 kids in attendance. Everyone in attendance received a sash and a Colossal Coaster button for attending. They had the ability to earn a good behavior button (and the ability to lose it); the older kids (11 and up) were also able to earn a star button for memorizing the daily Bible verse in both Spanish and English.
Hard at work on their roller coaster picture frame craft.
Awesome group of 11-year olds with our trademark "elevens."
Bible story time--learning about Paul's miraculous conversion on the road to Damascus.
DAY 2--Friend day saw the attendance increase to almost 230 kids! Everyone who brought a friend earned a LOVE button.
Foam ball caps were the craft of the day. Yes, they're showing their "elevens"
Closing session
Day 3--Another high attendance day for Crazy Hair Day.
Fernanda--our 11-year old, 1st place Crazy Hair Day winner with a Barbie doll on her head.
Dulce--our 11-year old, 2nd place Crazy Hair Day winner.
Rosemarie Rivas (VBS Director) and one of her assistants.
Day 4--We thought we reached the epitome of craziness on Wednesday, but kids of all ages really loved Clown Day. More than 230 kids attended.
Two guides and a group of kids "clowning" around
Me and my good friend, Sherry Jobe, from Corinth, Mississippi
Smiling 12-year olds working on their cross craft.
DAY 5--Highest attendance yet--237--and almost all were in their pajamas for PJ Day. It was the last day to earn all 5 of the scripture verse buttons and the final day of Apostle Paul's amazing life story.
Making a self portrait
Yes, 12-years will wear their PJ's to VBS
A stage full of kids on the last day!
What an awesome week! It was worth every minute of preparation to see these kids learning about Jesus and how they can face their fears because He is with them. My favorite song from the week: Change my heart, O God; open up my eyes I want to see your glory shining like a light. Change my heart, O God; stir me up inside I want to feel your spirit movin' in my life.
Pray for the church as they begin follow up with the kids and adults who made decisions during the week.