We turned in our permanent two-year residency papers at the beginning of June and were given a 6-month temporary card. We were told to wait three months and then call to see what progress had been made. I checked online last week and it still showed that our paperwork was still in the resolution phase. We weren't concerned as, technically, the 3-month period isn't over yet.
Then, Monday we got a call from the church letting us know that the immigration office called them. Don't know why they didn't call us, but through the church we found out we had an 8:00 a.m. appointment for our interviews at the immigration office downtown. We called around to find someone who could go with us as we had never been to this location, not to mention the traffic at that time of the morning and the usual problem with parking.
David Aguilar (our good friend and campus pastor) offered to go with us so we picked him up at 7:15 and he directed us to the place. He even parked and waited for us at the truck. We waited only 5-10 minutes before the interview process started--me first and then Stephen second. The questions focused on our ministry (what activities do we do) and our money (where does it come from and how much is it.) She took notes of everything we said. When she was done, she told us that what remains to be done is a home visit and an interview with the pastor of our church. Oh, she also gave us a list of additional documentation that we need to provide:
- Three personal reference letters
- Copy of our the rental contract for our apartment
- Copy of a water bill and electricity bill
- List of the Americans in our church
The interview at our home is scheduled for Friday morning; we don't know what they want to see or what they will ask while they are here. We do have all of the documentation ready to give her during the visit. When she finishes with us, she will go to the church to talk to Pastor Julio.
We aren't sure what happens after this step in the process, but are hoping that final approval of our residency is not far away. Please pray that everything goes smoothly and that we will soon have our permanent residency cards in hand.