Friends, I've been having periodic problems with my gallbladder and recently had an ultrasound. They discovered a 1.5 cm gallstone. I saw a surgeon last Tuesday and he believes I should have my gallbladder removed. We talked at length about whether it had to be now or could be at some point in the future as the flare ups aren't regular.
His recommendation was to have it removed based upon my symptoms and to do it while we are here in a more controlled environment. I definitely don't want to be on a mission trip and have a gallbladder attack that would require emergency surgery.
My surgery is Wednesday, January 31, at 1:00 p.m, here in the Kansas City area. Recovery is 5-10 days at home. It's no problem for me to fly on February 17, when we head to CA. There is a 3-week restriction on lifting (luggage, grandkids, wet clothes, etc.) so I'll have to be careful with that through February 21.
I'll update as I have more info. Appreciate your prayers for me, the doctors and Stephen