Yea, for planes that bring friends from the states! Steve and Terisa arrived just before noon yesterday. It's definitely an understatement to say we were glad to see them. We surprised them by going with Jeff to pick them up. I've posted a couple of "we're really glad to see you pictures." We relaxed yesterday afternoon and almost got caught up on news from home. We were also able to Skype with Michael, Carmen, Ethan and Chloe. Ethan wasn't very happy that he couldn't "get" to his "papa" through the computer. We enjoyed tacos for dinner last night which were made even better by the Rotel that they brought with them. A special thanks to Paula who brought over her Pace picante sauce because I forgot to buy it at the grocery store!
Steve and Terisa are with Herbert, their attorney, taking care of some of the paperwork necessary to get the adoption process started for Mario.
Stephen and I didn't have Spanish classes yesterday, but when Beatriz came today she told us that Friday is her last day. She has a new full-time job with the Salvadoran government which starts on Monday. We are very happy for her as this will be a steady income and benefits, but we are so sad that she's not going to be able to continue as our tutor. She promised that she will find another tutor that we will like. I was going to surprise her with Snickerdoodle cookies for her birthday next week, but will instead make them for her last day. :-(
Stephen and Jeff are running errands this afternoon, including stopping at the agent's office to pay for insurance on our truck and picking up the copies of our residency documents from the translator.
The rest of the week will be busy . . . there's a team coming in from the states on Thursday that will be working with the church in Lourdes. Friday afternoon we will go to the orphanage with the team. Steve and Terisa are excited about being able to see Mario--March was along time ago. We will take Steve and Terisa to the airport on Saturday (hopefully, in our new truck) and then help with the family festival in a neighborhood in Lourdes.
Please pray for us as we begin working with a new tutor on Monday.
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