Last weekend, Jeff and Paula helped us hang up four of the quilts I brought back in August. Our "home sweet home" finally has something on the walls! The quilts are providing the "pop" of color that has been missing! When you see the pictures, you may remember that three of them were hanging up in our house. I made the El Salvador quilt after our first mission trip in 2007. I was able to buy material at the market here in El Salvador and use it for the border. The red heart in the middle is made from 17 different red fabrics, each fabric represents one of the 17 families who came on the trip. I have missed having my sewing machine down here; I'd like to bring it down when we come back at the end of December. I've got a couple of projects I would like to do, including making a wall hanging for the living room. I've only seen a couple of stores that sell fabric, so I'm not sure what's available. I need to ask some of the quilters at the church where I can find quilting fabric, otherwise I may have to get organized and buy it when I'm back in Lee's Summit.
It didn't rain here as much as the last few days--we even saw the sun for an hour or so. Yesterday, Steve Kern told me that he hasn't ever seen a rainy season like this one and he has been here for 25 years. Even with the rain and slightly cooler temperatures, it still feels like summer so I'm having a hard time believing that tomorrow is the first of October.
We had a tremor tonight--longer and stronger than the last one. Stephen said it was the first one he has felt since his childhood in southeast Missouri. Paula told us that there are more tremors as the rainy season ends and the dry season begins. I suppose that we will get used to them at some point.