Today we were able to show each class a video clip that pertained to their recent lessons. We set the computer and projector up on the wall of the auditorium. This location was much better because it was very dark and quiet. I found all of the videos on YouTube!
First Grade--alphabet song--they sang along quite well.
Second Grade--alphabet rap--B is for Ball, BBBBBB, C is for Carrot, CCCCCC
Third Grade--How the Leopard Got Its Spots, from Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories
All three groups seemed to enjoy the lesson today! They were quite good lining up and making their way downstairs for the surprise!
I've posted several pictures from previous classes, as well as a couple from today: 1. 2nd grade made "pizza," Stephen cut 30 pepperonis, 25 mushrooms and about 100 yellow triangles of cheese.
2. 1st graders watching the alphabet song
3. At least some of the 3rd graders are listening--not sure what's going on over to my right!
4. First graders Kamila and Eduardo. Kamila gave me the sweetest hug while we were watching the movie.
It's been raining almost non-stop for 3-4 days and tonight/tomorrow are supposed to be worse, so the government has declared a Red Alert and all schools have been canceled for tomorrow.
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