VBS finished up Friday morning . . . .what a great, but really tiring week with 30 nine-year olds. Kids were kept busy moving through 5 different areas: (1) Crafts—Paula did an awesome job and the kids got to take home a name tag, picture frame, key chain, door hanger and a prayer journal; (2) Music with all kinds of actions—the kids loved the songs. If Stephen and I worked in VBS for 4 or 5 weeks in a row, we might finally get all the moves down; (3) Games/Snacks—as always, the inflatable was a hit. Luckily our group got to play before snacking; I'm pretty sure that the fruit mountain which was topped with whipped cream was the favorite of the week; (4) Bible verses—we were constantly amazed by their ability to memorize Bible verses. Almost all of the kids learned the verses everyday; Sophia learned all five verses in Spanish and English; (4) Bible story—Pastor Kyle shared a story and, although, it was the last rotation of the day, they did a fairly good job listening and remembering from day to day.
We are so thankful for Valley Baptist Church, Bakersfield, CA, for bringing VBS to Guatemala. I don't know how many extra suitcases they brought to get all of the t-shirts, prizes, candy, crafts here. If you haven't heard 180 kids ringing their own cowbells at the closing session, you haven't really been in VBS!
We said “adios” to some of our kids today as they will not be coming back on Sunday for the super fiesta; we will see some of them again on Sunday morning when they have their super fiesta. I think Paula and I will start popping popcorn a couple of hours before the party starts. Jeff and Stephen will put the inflatable back up and we will also have the cotton candy machine going.
Please pray that the parents who bring their kids to the party will get plugged in to VidaNueva!
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