Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Christmas comes but once a year . . . . and it's almost over for 2010. What a great day spent with friends and family here in cold Kansas City. Eating, opening gifts, eating, playing games, calling out of town family and friends, eating, playing games . . . . that pretty much wraps up our day. Now, we're back "home" to recover from calorie overload! Why is it that I'm pretty sure I'll be hungry again tomorrow?

Looking forward to being at ALBC in the morning to hear Stephen and Carmen singing the special music. Tomorrow afternoon--BBQ and the Chief's game with friends.

We're so blessed to be back in the States for the holidays and to be able to visit with family and reconnect with good friends. Yet, we're missing our Salvadoran friends and praying that they had a great day celebrating our Savior's birth.

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