Tuesday, April 12, 2011

2nd Day on the Couch

Today is Stephen's second day on the couch . . . . he's not doing too bad with it. The swelling and bruising are more evident today, but that's to be expected, I guess.

Jeff and Paula fly in tonight--we were supposed to pick them up, but now someone else is going to get them. Jeff knows of a place here that sells medical supplies/stuff so we may try to go get Stephen one of those really attractive blue, flat, velcro shoes. It will be the best way for him to start walking again. We're up in the air on Managua; actually, nobody thinks it is a good idea, but Stephen still wants to go. We need to make the decision by Thursday so they can cancel our hotel reservations 48 hours before we arrive. Even if he could walk, I can't imagine him being comfortable on the 10+ hour ride over there.

I stayed home today, but will probably drive to school by myself tomorrow. We have school Wednesday and Thursday this week, but are off all next week for Holy Week (Easter break.) If we don't go to Managua, he can take it easy for another whole week.

Well, that's the update for today. Thanks for your prayers--they are very much appreciated!

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