Yesterday was a busy day for the team. We started with a devotion by Dr. Gerald Cowen at 9:00 a.m. He shared from Hebrews 7 discussing the three types of rest we can find in God.
We made it to the central park in downtown San Salvador about 10:30 a.m. It was really hot yesterday and sun block was the only way to avoid a sunburn. As always, the team spread out across the park sharing one-on-one. Four of the men delivered the gospel from the platform we bring. As I circled the park taking pictures of the group, I can see team members praying with a Salvadoran and know that I have a new brother or sister in Christ.
The bus pulled in to MetroCentro mall and everyone headed upstairs to the food court for lunch where choices abound--Wendys, McDonalds, KFC, Subway, Pizza Hut--you get the idea. It was a quick 45 minute stop and then back to the hotel for a bit of R&R before going out last night.
We left earlier than usual because we made the 1 1/4 hour drive to Nueva Concepcion (our usual Sunday trip, if you follow our blog.) With the large team, there is a caravan of 3 vans, one school bus and our truck which carries the inflatable. The church members and lots of kids were there to greet us. They are making progress on the building--the roof should go on next week. Hopefully, it will be ready for the construction team that arrives on June 4. They will be doing electrical work, installing the lowered ceiling and putting in the concrete floor. There is still much to do before the June 12 dedication.
The team fanned out all over the town. Paula and I were busy keeping the kids moving through the inflatable. The lines were fairly long and, as usual, "cutting" is one of our biggest problems! I think they learn from their parents who love to "cut in line" when they drive. Richard, with Pastor Julio as a translator, presented a clear gospel message and hands went up through the crowd.
We got on the road just before 8:00 p.m. and made the trip back to San Salvador. I think Jeff dropped off 13 people at the hotel around 9:15. The rest of the team was on the bus which takes a bit longer! I'm sure the tired group was glad to see their beds last night; I know I was.
Please continue to pray for the team--some type of virus seems to be making its way through the group. Everyday there are some who are not able to go out with us. Thankfully, it seems to run its course in about 24 hours. Pray for us as we share at a school on Wednesday morning.