Sundays are very busy these days. Stephen is playing the piano at the two services at the main church. We have to be there for the first service at 7:30. The second service doesn't start until 10:15 so there's about an hour "layover." Stephen plays the piano and then we leave when the music is over. We can usually make it home by 11:15. Yesterday Luis, one of the translators, came over for lunch. We had salad and homemade pizza; for dessert, we had Nutella Ravioli (I didn't eat any), but Stephen and Luis really loved it. If it sounds interesting, email me and I'll send you the recipe.
We had barely cleared the table when Jeff and Paula called to say they were ready to go to church. We usually don't leave until 2:30, but there was road construction and rerouting necessary when we went in the morning, so we moved our departure time up to 2:00 p.m.
Since more than 20 people went to Nueva Concepcion we took the bus and Jeff's van. It is amazing to see how faithful the team is about making the hour trip every Sunday afternoon. The church construction is progressing with the 4 walls about half way up. We are still meeting under a canopy until the building is completed. Last night there was a downpour before the service started and when it was over one of the women from the church swept out the muddy water which pooled under the canopy Paula and I agreed that we would never have thought to do that. Jeff preached last night--we are so impressed that he can preach in Spanish! We also had the Lord's Supper at the end of the service.
Next Sunday evening at Nueva Concepcion we're having a children's program to celebrate Mothers Day. We have quite a few children who come to church without their parents, so we're hoping that they will come to see their children perform.
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