Happy, happy birthday, USA! We did our best to celebrate here in El Salvador with an all-American meal at Jeff and Paula's house. Jeff grilled hamburgers and hotdogs and made baked beans. Paula and Emily fixed deviled eggs and got all of the trimmings ready. I brought corn on the cob and a homemade apple pie.
We're so happy to have Jon here with us for the holiday. The best thing about this holiday here is there aren't any fireworks to keep us up all hours of the night and no fireworks trash all over the yard and streets of our neighborhood. Guess you can tell I'm not really a fireworks fan.
It rained in the morning and then again this afternoon. We had a chance to check in on Daniel, Shannon, Maleia and Josiah. All four are doing well . . . we have a Skype date set for this week. Jon leaves on Friday morning, but we still have several things we want to do with him, including a trip to the Mayan ruins and a visit to a furniture design studio.
We're in the quiet before the storm that is Juntos/Together. The college-aged mission trip/conference with 200 kids from three states, Managua, and Vida Nueva, San Salvador, begins Monday, July 11. Please pray that we will have the energy to keep up with this youngsters!
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