Monday, October 24, 2011
Song to El Salvador by Melody Whitfield
Song to El Salvador
by Melody Whitfield
Jesus,What can I do,what can I say
to give a person hope as their world crumbles away?
Tragedies surround me, A different story for every face-
A glimpse into their world; their desperate for Your grace.
My words can do no justice,images dance inside my mind-
Every need and every cry-causes my heart to ache and grind.
A classroom full of students, who don't believe they'll see 25,
for many of them, at 15, it's a miracle to be alive.
In another classroom, a girl has tears streaming down her cheeks,
Her family is torn apart, hasn't heard from her father in several weeks.
Clouds begin to gather,The sky grows dark and gray-
This is only a reflection, of their life from day to day.
As the showers begin to fall, the beautiful horizon fades-
Because of the unsecure grounds, everyone's at risk of a muddy grave.
This is just a picture,of something much deeper we often ignore-
Sometimes others are drowning because of unexpected storms.
These rains of life are pouring down,with no signs of ease-
Yet while many are suffering,Lord, You're own children contract a cancerous disease.
Jesus,we are called to remember those who fall-
Yet, the worst tragedy sometimes, is we choose to do nothing at all.
So Lord, what can I say or do, in the midst of so much pain?
How can I offer a person hope in the midst of life's unending rain?
Tragedies surround me, as I look in every eye-
A glimpse into their world- causes me to break down and cry.
A mother holds a baby,her cerebral palsy son lies on the floor,
We enter her heavy world,and Christ's love begins to pour....
Though our languages are different,there is so much the same-
Stepping into her world, a new appreciation for Christ's love I did gain.
Not knowing all the while, this was part of God's great plan-
Walking into the lives of those who were in need of His healing hand.
Police with machine guns, children playing, and dealers in the streets-
One of the most dangerous areas were touched by Jesus' feet.
Through the blinds of a window, a girl speaks of her trials,
to 3 complete strangers : her mother's been sick for quite a while.
For this young girl, God took the time-
to send 3 unknowing messengers, to offer her hope through her blind.
Noises, puddles,and God's children on a mission-
lead us to a father and his son who's name was "Christian".
The hardships of their lives have aged them with no mercy-
In the midst of so much rain, God knew a child who was thirsty.
A father tears up as he speaks of his prodigal son-
how his son has refused the love of the Holy One.
Although this father stands near to the son he treasures and holds so dear-
We could sense the distance, yet the father's words were so sincere.
On this dreary day, I would never in a million years have guessed-
how wonderfully this father and his son would be eternally blessed!
On drug dealing streets, submerged in terror and fear-
As the Gospel was shared, so were many tears.
This 27 year old man on a street filled with mire and clay-
Accepted Jesus Christ- The Truth and The Way!
And he prayed to receive Him as his Savior and his Lord-
Heaven, a father and found son, and our rain-soaked group, rejoiced in one accord!
However, not all reports ended quite the same-
to accept Jesus in these parts,is to play a deadly game.
One young man, I heard the report much later, had a challenging choice to make-
To live and go to Hell, or choose Christ, and his life his "dealer" would soon take.
What about two ladies, though they know their lifestyle is wrong, they aren't willing to receive-
All because if they do,the money they're accustomed to, is sure to leave.
An elderly man rejected God's free gift of grace..
Because he said he wasn't prepared;this was very tough to embrace...
I guess it's just hard to understand "Why?"
Lord, It's tough when rejection comes by.....
I can't forget every face that I've seen-
I can't help but wonder about that group of teens...
To know all the devastation that remains-
All the people who have lost everything on account of the rains..
The area You sent us as a result of the storm....
And as a result, Your children who are restored....
The work that's ahead, so fruit will remain....
God, I pray, please protect every grain....
Satan used these rains to discourage.....
You used it to send us to the streets of those who needed to be encouraged...
Lord, the only reason I knew what to do or to say-
Is because You who lives in me is He who gives hope when our world crumbles away...
Tragedies surround us, a different story for every face,
A glimpse in our world is why You came to shed Your grace.
So when clouds begin to gather, the sky grows dark and gray-
Look at Christ's reflection, He has made a way!
As showers begin to fall, and your beautiful horizon slowly fades...
Through His death we have forgiveness; we have hope and life because He rose up from the grave!
Because of something deeper,that Jesus Christ chose not to ignore...
Because of His love that dwells within us, we can help others through their storms!
These rains of life are pouring down,with no signs of ease-
But there will be a day, when Jesus will make them cease!
So until then, Jesus, help us speak grace and help others in the midst of so much pain-
Help us be instruments of hope in the midst of life's unending rain.
Tragedies surround us; Give us courage to look in every face.......
As we glimpse into their world- allow them to see in us, just a glimpse of Your Amazing Grace!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Sunshine, Blessed Sunshine

We have been waking up to beautiful sunshine for the last three days. Oh, what a welcome sight! Things certainly aren't back to normal across the whole country, but it's amazing what a couple of days of sunlight will do to lift your spirits.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Rain Just Keeps Coming

Yesterday, there was a brief respite from the rain. It wasn't sunny, but it wasn't raining either. However, last night it started again and it continues today. Shelters across El Salvador now house more than 48,000 people. Additional bridges and roads are collapsing and the river flooding is relentless. President Funes was supposed to visit the coast today, but the collapse of a bridge on the route to the coast, cut his visit short. The Ministry of Education suspended classes for tomorrow--we haven't had school since last Wednesday. Most of the public schools are scheduled to complete their school year by mid-November . . . will they have to add days to the end of their school year? Will our private school, New Life Christian School, have to add six days on to the end of our school year next June?
Monday, October 17, 2011
Praying for the Rain to Stop

El Salvador has been in a state of national emergency since Friday. We have been slammed with torrential rains from a couple of slow-moving tropical depressions and the remnants of Hurricane Jova which hit Mexico last week. Since last Monday night, it has been raining steadily and often times very heavily throughout much of the country. They said on the news today that Hurricane Mitch dumped 800 millimeters of rain on the country in 1998 (another time of national emergency.) By comparison, since last Monday night, El Salvador has received over 1,200 millimeters of rain. In fact, 7 inches fell in a 12-hour period from Saturday night to Sunday morning.
Obviously, many areas of the country are being seriously affected. Rivers are flooding and are completely destroying entire communities and crops. With so much rain, the mountainous regions are vulnerable to mudslides. At least 32 people have died and over 20,000 people have been evacuated to 200+ shelters throughout the country. Roads and highways have been blocked by landslides and several bridges have been destroyed—most notably, a bridge connecting El Salvador and Guatemala was washed away late last week. El Salvador is not alone in this situation. Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua have also reported deaths and many evacuations.
We live in a safe area, and accept for leaking walls and ceilings, we're making it just fine. During the “national emergency,” schools throughout the country have been cancelled. Tomorrow will be the fourth day we've missed at New Life Christian School. We are staying close to home . . . . we did go to church yesterday and today we ventured out to buy groceries.
We know that God is in control of this situation . . . but, we also know that He wants us to bring our supplications to him in prayer. Please pray for God's mercy on this land, for the rain to stop and for the people who have lost everything, including loved ones. Pray that our church can minister to the hurting and point the lost to our Savior.