Yesterday, there was a brief respite from the rain. It wasn't sunny, but it wasn't raining either. However, last night it started again and it continues today. Shelters across El Salvador now house more than 48,000 people. Additional bridges and roads are collapsing and the river flooding is relentless. President Funes was supposed to visit the coast today, but the collapse of a bridge on the route to the coast, cut his visit short. The Ministry of Education suspended classes for tomorrow--we haven't had school since last Wednesday. Most of the public schools are scheduled to complete their school year by mid-November . . . will they have to add days to the end of their school year? Will our private school, New Life Christian School, have to add six days on to the end of our school year next June?
The news is now talking about lost crops and price increases for food, especially corn. Perhaps, as expected, the impact of this disaster will spread beyond the lives, homes and infrastructure that have been affected up to this point. Some humanitarian aid is being received and delivered to people in shelters. Emergency funds have been appropriated for bridge and road repair. Lost wages will make it even more difficult for the people sustain even their lifestyle and price increases for food and other necessities will increase the strain on their finances.
Please pray for God's grace to be poured out upon this country and the other countries in Central America. Pray for the people of El Salvador to return to God. Please pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 along with us: If my people, who are called by my name, will humbled themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and will heal their land."
Thanks for the update. Please continue to let us know how things are, especially when the rain lets up. I'll continue to pray for you guys and El Salvador.