Celebrated a "big" one this year in Antigua! The day started with gifts from our teachers--a dozen roses from Siria, a loaf of almond fruit bread from Araceley, and two hand-made cards. The gifts are so special because we know that neither one of these single moms have the money to spare. My birthday cake was a slice of cheesecake with a candle so it was much easier to blow out than a cake filled with ___ candles. (Can't bring myself to write/say the number.)
Learned a new and difficult Spanish verb conjugation today and the teachers didn't go easy on me--still gave me homework!
Spent the early evening talking with my boys and chatting with friends on Facebook. I know many people are not Facebook fans, but it is great tool for missionaries to keep up with family and friends!
Finished off the evening with bruschetta and our favorite pizza. All in all a great birthday!
With Siria and Araceley.
My birthday cheesecake, complete with my very own candle.
With Nancy and Corina.
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