Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Working Hard in Lourdes

Jeff and Stephen are going to our church site in Lourdes every day and helping with the remodeling project.  Of course, it's more than just a little project and it definitely qualifies as hard labor.  Over the last two or three weeks they have been tearing down (by hand) the old nursery building to make way for a parking lot.  Last week they began construction of the concrete posts for the new entrance.  They are discovering new issues as they are working; for example, yesterday they realized that the poor drainage is, in part, due to the fact that the drain does not run "down hill" at all.  Instead, it maintains the same position for its entire length; therefore, when it rains, the water fills up the drain pipe, but has no impetus to move along.  All of this to say, that there are new items added to the list of things to do on a frequent basis.

Please pray for this work--as I mentioned, new needs keep cropping up and the project resources are already less than the projected cost.  Also, please pray for the safety of the workers, including Jeff and Stephen.

Here are some pictures of the progress so far.

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