About three weeks ago I posted pictures of our trip to Guatemala for Fabi Rivas' high school graduation. It was a formal, elegant occasion with long dresses, excellent food and a special time to celebrate with dear friends. I have been in Guatemala this week to help with VBS preparations, and, as such, had the opportunity to attend Fabi's second graduation. What? Why?
Let me explain. First, graduating from the German School of Guatemala is no small accomplishment--all of the students are tri-lingual (German, Spanish, English.) I can't even imagine! Some of the students in the class pursue the International Baccalaureate diploma, as well, and those who complete all the requirements and receive the requisite scores on the oral and written exams, were honored at the IB graduation ceremony on Wednesday night. The event was held at the German Club of Guatemala and consisted of speeches (in German with a written translation into Spanish) by the German ambasador to Guatemala and other dignataries, seemingly endless repetition of Pomp and Circumstance and the typical calling of the graduates to the stage for handshakes and pictures. What was different was that we were in a banquet room and when the ceremony was over we had an excellent dinner.
A benefit to receiving the German IB diploma is that graduates receive a full scholarship to attend their choice of colleges in Germany. Wow!
Fabi and her family haven't yet decided if she will go to Germany for college. Right now she is taking a SAT prep class to prepare for the January test and is working on applying to several Christian colleges in the US. They are praying for God to open doors for Fabi and are trusting Him to provide the resources for her to go wherever He wants her to go.
I was so honored to be a part of both of her graduations! Enjoy a few of the pictures.