The ladies Bible study that I am a part of started this past Friday. This fall we're using Beth Moore's "David--Seeking a Heart Like His," videos and book.
Our group is fairly consistent from one study to the next. However, this time, Alejandra's friend, Kathy, was able to join us. It was amazing to hear her tell her story and realize just how many similarities there were with our story. Here's just a few of them:
- She and her husband, David, have been missionaries here since January, 2010--we came in June, 2010.
- Her husband was not a pastor.
- She is a guitar player and singer.
- They are from Washington state, but have children and grandkids who live in Oregon--our daughter-in-law's family is from Oregon
- They just moved from Santa Tecla (where we used to live) to Escalon (where we live now.) In fact, they live across the street from our building.
Those were just a few of the things we found out on Friday morning. She even gave me a ride home after the study. I mentioned everything to Stephen and we decided to see if they were available for dinner on Friday evening. We met them in front of their house and walked to our favorite pizza place. It was a great evening learning how God worked in their lives to bring them here.
We're looking forward to getting to know them better. Just think, I may finally have a neighbor from whom I can borrow an egg or a cup of sugar if I get in a bind while baking or cooking dinner. God is good!