Wednesday, February 14, 2018

My journey to chemical-free living

I’ve never been one to formally make and announce a New Year’s resolution even though I usually have given some thought to a goal I’d like to reach during the year.  I’m finally getting around to putting my 2018 goal into words and practice.  Here it is:  During 2018 I will reduce my exposure to and my use of products that contain toxic or unsafe chemicals.  This goal is so broad that I broke it down it into the following four areas.  
  • Home cleaning products (kitchen/bath)
  • Personal products (shampoo, soap, body wash, body lotions, etc.)
  •  Make up and skin care products
  •  Artificial fragrances (candles, perfumes, air fresheners, powders)
The last several years I started making small changes in my buying habits, but I knew those changes weren't enough; hence, my 2018 goal.  

I’m so thankful for my friend, Hannah Shanks, who has helped me get off to a great start.  I’m happy to say that over the past several months I have phased out, replaced and/or tossed all of the bottles, spray or otherwise, of cleaning products that used to clutter the under-sink space in my kitchen and bath.  I can do everything (granite counters, tile floors, wood floors, carpets, stainless appliances, windows, cook top, sink, shower, stool and more with one bottle of Thieves cleaner.  It feels really good to have taken the first step in lightening the chemical load in my environment.  I know that not only will my lungs be happier, but my whole body will appreciate the changes that I am making.  

If you're interested in learning about chemicals in cleaning products (and more), you can start by downloading this app:  It can be overwhelming to read about all the toxic chemicals in our homes, but this app was a good first step to "open my eyes" to the contents of the products I used.   

I encourage you to start your your journey toward wellness and feel free to reach out to me to hear how I've begun to change the way we live using the Thieves line of non-toxic products.  

I'll write more in future blog posts about changes I'm making in the other three areas.  It's exciting, healthy stuff!   

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