Monday, June 21, 2010

Back to school

Today was the first day of school for us. We met our tutor, Beatriz, and got right down to work. She talks to us almost exclusively in Spanish, which is, I guess, what we need. We worked on the letters of the alphabet and we sound like we're back in kindergarten, but I keep telling myself that everyone started this way. Practice, pray, practice, pray--that's going to be the pattern for the next 3 months, at least.

We ventured back to the small mall that's a 15-minute walk. We didn't notice it last time, but found a Christian bookstore. Stephen had been watching Christian TV (there are several channels on our cable) and was very impressed by Jesus Adrian Romero's music. The store had his new CD and we already have two favorite songs. He was a pastor in Mexico, attended Fuller Seminary in Pasadena (where our son Jon got his masters degree) and now pastors a church in Surprise, AZ. His song, "Cerca de Jesus" ("Near to Jesus") is beautiful and Stephen figured out how to play it even without a piano in the house. As I have mentioned before, the music/worship is very important to us because we can't yet understand the sermons. I encourage you to check him out on YouTube--I believe his music will minister to you regardless of the languge barrier.

Thanks for praying for us . . . . day 2 of school is tomorrow!

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