Friday, June 18, 2010


Today was a day for finishing up things back in the states. The sale of our Honda Civic had been pending until today and the closing on our house was today. Praise the Lord both things can now be checked off the list. Soon we will pay our final utility bills and then the home ownership chapter will be closed.

Stephen and Jeff made it to the Mazda dealership on Tuesday to look at pickup trucks. He had pretty much decided on one, but wanted me to look at it. We made our way back over to the dealership on Thursday. We were going to start the paperwork, but found out that the truck on the lot was not the one we would be buying. So we decided to wait until Monday when Stephen could look at "our" truck. Today the car salesman called Jeff and told him that the Salvadoran government just bought all of the Mazda 4 x 4 trucks they had in stock and in the customs lot. So . . . . they won't have any more trucks in for 2-3 months. Wow--when the Lord shuts a door He does it with a bang. Pray for us as we decide what direction to go now. Should we buy a new car (reliable, but not of help with hauling/moving equipment) or a used truck (great for hauling, but may not be reliable since most used vehicles here are those that were "totaled" in the states and then repaired.) They looked at new Mitsubishi trucks and Toyota trucks, but they were either more expensive or not available in the model we need.

The medical campaign starts tomorrow in Lourdes--I'm going to try to help Paula and Emily with dental work. We'll be keeping Stephen miles away from anything that looks like blood or he'll be the next patient they work on. He'll be up front with the team who shares one-on-one with the patients before they see the doctor.

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