Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hilo, Aguja y Biblia--Two Classes Today

I started the day with Hilo, Aguja y Biblia (HAB) in San Salvador. There were 11 women in class today. We made a bag to hold plastic grocery bags or other things. Link to the directions is here: (we made ours from one piece of fabric to save time.) One of the women is going to use hers for socks. I thought that was a great idea; the white socks that her daughter wears with her school uniform are all the same. Put them in the bag after they're washed and then your child can pull out a pair to put on every day. (You may be saying to yourself, this is was a drawer is for, but understand that most of the bedrooms in the homes here are only big enough for a bed--there's usually very little other furniture. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera this morning so I didn't get any pictures.

In the afternoon, Stephen needed the truck to transport an inflatable to a church event he and Jeff were helping with. So, Ena stopped by and we loaded all the stuff in her car. Today was the first Hilo, Aguja y Biblia class at Lourdes so we were excited to see how many women were going to join us. We decided to make an oven mitt (something we did a couple of weeks ago in San Salvador.) I brought fabric (thanks many of my friends in the states for donating fabric) and batting. I'm sorry to say that I underestimated the amount of batting we would need--we ran out right before the last two ladies arrived. All together there were 18 of us--an amazing turnout for our first class. They seem to have a great time selecting their fabric, cutting, pinning, sewing . . . . it's such a blessing to work with them. As usual, we worked for an hour and a half and then started the Bible study. Today Ena shared Psalm 133 with them. Although only 3 verses long, the theme of dwelling in harmony is so relevant in women's ministry. It was a great place to start.

Please pray for this ministry . . . that the women will be able to invite unchurched friends, that lasting friendships will be forged and that Ena and I will be Godly examples for the women participating in this ministry.

Pictures below. If you donated fabric, you just might see it in one of the photos.

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