Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hilo, Aguja y Biblia--Two Classes Today

I started the day with Hilo, Aguja y Biblia (HAB) in San Salvador. There were 11 women in class today. We made a bag to hold plastic grocery bags or other things. Link to the directions is here: (we made ours from one piece of fabric to save time.) One of the women is going to use hers for socks. I thought that was a great idea; the white socks that her daughter wears with her school uniform are all the same. Put them in the bag after they're washed and then your child can pull out a pair to put on every day. (You may be saying to yourself, this is was a drawer is for, but understand that most of the bedrooms in the homes here are only big enough for a bed--there's usually very little other furniture. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera this morning so I didn't get any pictures.

In the afternoon, Stephen needed the truck to transport an inflatable to a church event he and Jeff were helping with. So, Ena stopped by and we loaded all the stuff in her car. Today was the first Hilo, Aguja y Biblia class at Lourdes so we were excited to see how many women were going to join us. We decided to make an oven mitt (something we did a couple of weeks ago in San Salvador.) I brought fabric (thanks many of my friends in the states for donating fabric) and batting. I'm sorry to say that I underestimated the amount of batting we would need--we ran out right before the last two ladies arrived. All together there were 18 of us--an amazing turnout for our first class. They seem to have a great time selecting their fabric, cutting, pinning, sewing . . . . it's such a blessing to work with them. As usual, we worked for an hour and a half and then started the Bible study. Today Ena shared Psalm 133 with them. Although only 3 verses long, the theme of dwelling in harmony is so relevant in women's ministry. It was a great place to start.

Please pray for this ministry . . . that the women will be able to invite unchurched friends, that lasting friendships will be forged and that Ena and I will be Godly examples for the women participating in this ministry.

Pictures below. If you donated fabric, you just might see it in one of the photos.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Menu Planning

We'll be in Kansas City this coming Wednesday! YEA! We're going to stay in the Abundant Life Baptist Church mission house and Daniel, Shannon, Maleia and Josiah will be joining us there. It will be like having a home again!

I'm in the process planning the menu for the week. It seems that most of the side dishes on the menu are vegetables that we can't get here in El Salvador, for example: asparagus, lima beans (yes, I'm craving them), broccoli slaw, corn on the cob (sweet and tender), edamame, just to name a few. As for the entrees--can't wait to have some good beef since the only beef I buy here is hamburger.

Although you might find it surprising, I'm not planning to make any desserts. I think I'll just let Custard's Last Stand, Orange Leaf and Hy-Vee's ice cream freezer take care of dessert.