Monday, September 28, 2015

3rd Anniversary Lunch

Saturday was a busy day.  As soon as I returned home from the women's event in Apopa, I got to work making my contribution to our IDEM group's potluck lunch.  We got together to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of meeting together, studying together, maturing together and sharing life.

We had a great lunch with roasted chicken (Costco), mashed potatoes, rice, green salad, fruit salad, tortillas and a "birthday" cake.  Our group is famous for celebrating, usually with food.  For that reason Stephen thinks we should change the name of the group from IDEM, which in English is pronounced like Eden only with an M on the end, to FIDEM (rhymes with Feed'Em.)  

Here's some pictures of the celebration!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

A Morning of Ministry

Today, as representatives of Hilo, Aguja y Biblia, Ena, Isabel and I went to our campus in Apopa to share with the ladies ministry.  We didn't arrive in time to have breakfast with them (they start at 7:30 a.m.) and we had a bit of a drive, but we did get there in time to join them for the praise/worship time.  

After the singing, Isabel taught the Bible study lesson.

When she finished, all 35 of the ladies moved to the room next door for craft time--we made fabric flowers which they can put on headbands, in their hair or on their clothes.  It was a little crazy trying to explain to all 35 at the same time, but we made it and they loved the results.

It was a great opportunity to get to know these precious women better.  

Maria Antonia--leader of the women's group in Apopa
Isabel, Ena and Me

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Peanutize Me

We've been seeing tons of people use the new app called Peanutize Me (you can find it here), and we couldn't resist making our very own version with our kids and grandkids.  Stephen made most of us; I think he did an especially good job on himself--you just knew there wouldn't be a smile.

Just a little bit of fun on a Thursday afternoon!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Another Baby Shower

Saturday Pam picked me up and we went to a baby shower for Javier and Claudia (missionaries serving with VidaNueva Guatemala City, Guatemala.)  It's a baby boy and his name will be Aldo Javier; he should be arriving sometime in the middle of November.

Claudia's mom, Daisy, is part of Hilo, Aguja y Biblia, so almost all of "us" were at the shower.  In fact, Maria Elena and Isabel, my two teachers, were the hostesses.

I have plans to make something special for Aldo, but I knew it wouldn't be finished in time for the shower.  So, I bought three sizes of onesies while we were in the states and created monthly stickers so they can post pictures from Guatemala for all their family and friends here in El Salvador.  Here's an example of a few of the stickers.  

I know I'm anxious to see Aldo sporting his onesies!  

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Fall Bible study and a new friend

The ladies Bible study that I am a part of started this past Friday.  This fall we're using Beth Moore's "David--Seeking a Heart Like His," videos and book.  

Our group is fairly consistent from one study to the next.  However, this time, Alejandra's friend, Kathy, was able to join us. It was amazing to hear her tell her story and realize just how many similarities there were with our story.  Here's just a few of them:
  • She and her husband, David, have been missionaries here since January, 2010--we came in June, 2010.
  • Her husband was not a pastor.  
  • She is a guitar player and singer.
  • They are from Washington state, but have children and grandkids who live in Oregon--our daughter-in-law's family is from Oregon
  • They just moved from Santa Tecla (where we used to live) to Escalon (where we live now.)  In fact, they live across the street from our building.
Those were just a few of the things we found out on Friday morning.  She even gave me a ride home after the study.  I mentioned everything to Stephen and we decided to see if they were available for dinner on Friday evening.  We met them in front of their house and walked to our favorite pizza place.  It was a great evening learning how God worked in their lives to bring them here.

We're looking forward to getting to know them better.  Just think, I may finally have a neighbor from whom I can borrow an egg or a cup of sugar if I get in a bind while baking or cooking dinner.  God is good!


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Back on our Normal Schedule

After two days of unpacking, doing laundry, delivering packages, paying bills and buying groceries, we're settling back into our regular schedule.  Tonight's regular schedule meant being in the Thursday night service at Iglesia Bautista Vida Nueva.  

It was great to see everyone and catch up a little bit.  The worship music was awesome, with some of my favorite songs.  Best of all, Pastor Steve is back and is continuing his verse-by-verse series study of Revelation.  Tonight he preached from Chapter 10, and although he covered Chapter 8 and 9 while we were in the states, the sermons are available on the church website.  I'm looking forward to listening to them when I walk this week.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig

We're back in El Salvador . . . landed at 7:45 tonight and made it home about 9:15.  Pam Kern picked us up and brought dinner (warm, homemade quiche and fruit) as well as the basics (milk, bread and eggs.)  Friends are one of God's best gifts to us.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Global Outreach, Week 2

Yesterday was our second Sunday at Abundant Life's Global Outreach Conference.  We had the privilege of sharing in three adult classes in the morning and then attending the 4:30 p.m. worship service.

We also had the privilege to meet and share lunch with the other missionaries who were there:  Karen Kolb, Guatemala, Farah Marvil, Lebanon, Kevin & Britany Worley, Amsterdam and Matt Lawson, church planter in Los Angeles.

We were blessed by sharing and pray that the classes were also blessed to hear about the ministry in El Salvador and throughout the MetroAmerica area.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Global Outreach, Abundant Life

We flew in to Kansas City on Saturday afternoon in time to meet with Bill Gibbs, missions pastor at Abundant Life, Jacob and Nicole Cumberford, home missionaries in Detroit, and Jerry Abbott, with Mana Worldwide.  After the introductory meeting we all set up our display tables.

Sunday morning we attended the 8:00 a.m. service and then shared about our ministry in El Salvador, about Good News in Action and all of the MetroAmerica 0-20 churches in adult Sunday School classes at 9:30 and 11:00.  We also attended the 4:30 worship service and spoke to another class at 6:00 p.m.  

Cal Academy of Sciences

Thursday morning the six of us (minus Shannon) loaded up the van and headed to the California Academy of Sciences.  Daniel and Shannon have family passes and have been several times.  It was an amazing place with a huge aquarium tank, rainforest biosphere and an earthquake simulator.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Nothin' Better than the Zoo

We had a grandparents day out with the kids on Wednesday morning. There's a small zoo in San Jose called "Happy Hollow Zoo and Park" and it was the perfect place to go with the grandkids.  There were rides for all ages, so we all had a great time.  As you can tell it was easier to take pictures of the rides than the animals.