Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pink Sunglasses and Blue Hearing Aids

On Saturday and Sunday afternoon we joined about 40 other couples from all four of the Vida Nueva sites at the "Love and Respect" mini-conference.  Sandy and Lori Shook, the conference leaders, came all the way from Bell Shoals Baptist Church, in Florida, to share with us. 

David translated as Sandy and Lori presented

 One the church's 2014 goals is to begin a ministry to strengthen couples/marriages.  So, this conference was the first step.  Sandy and Lori presented the material they use in the classes they give at their church, but, in addition, they taught the group "how to present" the material to others.  The goal is that many of the 40+ couples who attended will form the base of the new ministry and that there will be Love and Respect classes/small groups formed in all of four of our sites.

Sandy and Lori are gifted teachers; they are transparent about their relationship (both the highs and lows) and their love for each other is obvious.  We laughed along with them as they explained that women see through "pink" sunglasses and hear with "pink" hearing aids, while men see through "blue" sunglasses and hear with "blue" hearing aids.  No wonder that, from time to time, it can be difficult for couples to communicate clearly.  They encouraged us to follow God's marriage plan: Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church; wives see to it that you respect your husbands!

The materials they covered came from Dr. Emerson Eggerich's book, "Love and Respect" and Gary Chapman's book, "The Five Love Languages."  Each couple had the opportunity to take the love language quiz.  Now each husband and each wife is aware of the love language of his/her spouse.  This knowledge can be a very powerful tool in strengthening a couple's relationship.

The conference finished with a dinner on Sunday evening.  Wives were served by their husbands!  
 One of the 40+ happy couples!

Group photo on the stage at the Lourdes church

Husbands in the food line while wives wait at the table.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Pessimistic Optimist or Optimistic Pessimist?

We started the fifth IDEM cycle last Tuesday evening.  We finished the last session in November, so it had been a long time since we'd all been together.  Unfortunately, the new materials weren't quite ready, so we continued our discussion from the last cycle when Ryan asked each of us to list one thing that we have difficulty overcoming in our daily walk.  Tuesday night's topic was "pessimism."  

Jesus teaches us that we should not be like those who have no hope.  Therefore, in the big picture, those of us who have eternal life, are not without hope.  However, in the small things, we often from move back and forth from the half-empty glass to the half-full glass depending upon the circumstances.  

The topic made an interesting discussion. . . . . if we trust God and are living by faith, is it a sin to be pessimistic?  No answers today, just questions.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Danger of Forgetting

I mentioned in an earlier post that D. A. Carson's book, "For the Love of God" accompanies the daily Bible reading plan of Robert M. M'Cheyne.  Of course, the scripture itself is inspirational, occasionally difficult to understand (book of Job, for example), challenging and comforting, but I am also incredibly blessed by the daily readings in Carson's book. 

Exodus 1, Job 18, Luke 4 and 1 Corinthians 5 were on the schedule for today.  Carson's particular emphasis was the following:  "One cannot long read  Scripture without pondering the sad role played by forgetting."  He goes on to list specific examples, including how one would think that after the flood, you would expect mankind to behave in a way that would avoid God's wrath or that after God lead the Israelites out of bondage, you would expect it to take more than a few weeks for them relapse into worshiping a golden calf.  

But here is the part of his discourse that is the most chilling to me, and I quote:

"Not far from where I am writing these lines is a church that draws five or six thousand on a Sunday morning.  Its leaders have forgotten that it began as a church plant a mere two decades ago.  They now want to withdraw from the denomination that founded them, not because they disagree theologically with that denomination, not because of some moral flaw in it, but simply because they are so impressed by their own bigness and importance that they are too arrogant to be grateful.  One thinks of seminaries that have abandoned their doctrinal roots within one generation, of individuals, not the least scholars, who are so impressed by novelty that clever originality ranks more highly with them than godly fidelity.  Nations, churches, and individuals change, at each step thinking themselves more "advanced" than all who went before.  To our shame, we forget all the things we should remember."

The specific church is not important, nor is the specific action of the church.  Rather, the chilling part is that it is so easy for ALL of us to forget our roots and to forget that we are "encompassed about by such a great cloud of witnesses" who are, in great part, responsible for providing the opportunity for us to learn about and then understand/accept God's free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Lord, I pray for the Christian church in America today; help it remember it's purpose and not be distracted or drawn away from that purpose by it's own self-importance.  Lord, I ask that you would help me to overcome the sin of pride so that I can remain a humble servant.  Help me to remember that I am nothing more than a poor sinner saved by your marvelous and undeserved grace.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Happy 3rd Anniversary

We drove to Nueva Concepcion yesterday afternoon because Pastor Manuel asked Stephen to sing a couple of songs for the anniversary service.  The service started at 4:00 p.m., but since there is road construction in Apopa, we left at 2:00 so we wouldn't be late.  

The service was well attended by members of all three of the Vida Nueva churches up north, IBVN Aguilares, IBVN Coyolito and IBVN Nueva Concepcion.  It was good to see old friends and meet several new families that are fruit from the October campaign.  

Stephen sang two songs, "Poderoso" and "Tu Gracia Abunda en Mi."  The songs are quite different from the typical congregational singing, but I think that's the reason the congregation enjoys them.

I'm not singing, just holding the microphone.

After the service, there was "dinner on the grounds."  

Us with Pastor Manuel and Pastor Joel.

We didn't stay because we knew our trip home would be long.  Unfortunately, we spent about an hour trying to get through a 2-mile stretch of Apopa and then when we finally made it to the other side of town, we realized that our exit was completely closed and we were forced to continue toward San Salvador a different way than normal.  It took quite a long time and a couple of "lucky" turns to reach a place we recognized.  All in all, it was a 2+ hour trip.  

This is exactly what it looked like as we drove through Apopa.

Nevertheless, God was glorified in the service and two people prayed to receive Christ--our inconvenience is nothing compared to their new lives!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saying goodbye to the grandkids

One of the things we try to do before we leave California is to discuss/decide/plan our next trip.  Although we talked about we didn't make any definite plans.  I just know I won't be able to wait too long . . . . we're thinking maybe late May or early June.  Even so, Aviah will be six months by then and will have changed so much!  

Here's a photo review of our trip!

 Happy, happy girl!
 Grandpa getting back in practice!
 Day at the park
 Adventure with the fireman (see earlier post)
 Maleia practicing her cursive with Shannon
 Uncle Jon came to see us
 Talking to Grandma
 Decked out for roller skating
 Yes, Josiah drew this car all by himself.  Did I say he's 2 1/2
Took a few minutes off playing with cars to get a lesson from daddy

 What a hit!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Tahoe Trip

We left for Tahoe on Saturday afternoon--it's not a terribly long drive, but it was raining so we didn't make great time.  Not too far from the pass, Cal Trans was requiring chains.  Daniel and Stephen decided to pay one of the "professional" chain installers who were dressed in rain gear rather than doing it themselves.  As it turned out, we really didn't even need the chains as most of the time we were driving in slushy rain.  After clearing the highest point and starting down the mountain, one of the chains broke.  What a mess--it took Daniel, Stephen and a random stranger who offered to help more than 30 minutes to get the chains off.  

Anyway, we finally pulled into our condo rental at Tahoe Donner about 8:30 and got the kids off to bed; we had a quick supper, watched a little of the Olympics and called it a night.

Daniel and Maleia were hoping to ski on Sunday, but it rained all day.  They tell me that skiing in rain is very uncomfortable and cold as ski wear is made to repel snow, but not constant rain.  Maleia was a bit under the weather, so we took it easy.  Stephen and I were able to visit the shops in downtown Truckee while Daniel and Shannon took Maleia ice skating.

The weather on Monday was much nicer so we checked out of the condo and drove to Boreal Mountain.  Daniel and Maleia skied, Josiah and Shannon played in the snow and Stephen and I watched Aviah in the lodge.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Monterrey Aquarium

Daniel was able to take Friday off so the five of us went to the Monterrey Aquarium.  Shannon and Aviah stayed at home.  It was an unbelievable look at God's amazing sea creatures.  The jelly fish display was beyond anything I've ever seen.  

Of course, we loved the time with our grandkids, too!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Christmas in February

We celebrated our California Christmas on Thursday, February 6, without a tree and most of the other trappings, but it really didn't matter.  There was still paper ripping, happy screams, picture taking and more.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Starting our second week

We're starting on second week here in California--time is really flying by.  Wednesday is Maleia's swimming lesson day; she just loves her lessons.  Before Aviah was born, Josiah had Mommy/me lessons, but he's sitting out for awhile and that's okay with him.  Josiah and I had a conversation about things we like and don't like.   I asked if he liked kiwi and he said, "no."  Then he asked me if I liked pomegranates.  My goodness, I don't know if I've ever eaten a pomegranate. I definitely got outsmarted by my 2 1/2-year old grandson!

Daniel was able to come home a little early and we all went for a walk, except Maleia who roller skated.  She's getting pretty good.  Thankfully, her knee pads, elbow pads, wrist protectors and helmet keep her from getting hurt when she does fall.

Aviah is a very happy baby!  She's full of smiles and carrying on whole "cooing" conversations with us.  We even caught a few of her "words" on video today!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Nothing like family time!

 Grandpa and Josiah drawing cars
 Josiah and mommy playing with cars
  Aunt Emily and Aviah who is sporting her blue and green on super bowl Sunday.  
 Maleia and Aviah both look beautiful in this color!
 Smiling and cooing on Grandma's lap.
Maleia loves to draw on the iPad.