Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Residency Process

We turned in our paperwork to renew our residency cards in May and, as usual, received a 3-month temporary card for May to August.  Unfortunately, our regular card wasn't ready when needed to leave for the states in August.  Instead of our permanent card, they printed another 3-month temporary card for August to November.  Today we made another trip to the immigration office to see if our regular cards were ready, but "no."  Instead after a 2-hour wait and another $20, we will be able to pick up another 3-month temporary card (November to February) tomorrow.  It does boggle the mind that they are more than 6 months behind!  Who knows if we'll get a regular card in February--we may go through the whole year with a temporary card--only problem is we need a regular card to get our new driver's license.  Looks like we will be driving on our old license until February and, perhaps, beyond.

Friday, October 26, 2012

He's back!

It's so great to have Stephen back!  He went to church last night--our first time out for any significant length of time.  We went to the lab today; he actually drove (first time in 17 days.)   We're so excited that all of his levels are normal or nearing normal!  His appetite is picking up and I'm trying to stuff him full of good food because he lost 7-10 pounds over the past two weeks.

Thanks so much for praying along with us.  He's promised not to "overdo" it for the next week so he will be ready to leave for Guatemala on November 7.  We will be there for 10 days helping get ready for VBS and then working at VBS.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday--little by little

We got the tests results for the Epstein-Barr virus and, like the rest, it was negative.  Talked to the doctor yesterday and he wants one final blood panel (on Friday) to confirm that all of the levels have returned to normal.  Both Dr. Contreras and Stephen's brother, David (the doctor), said he should expect to be tired for a few weeks.  However, barring any unusual results in the blood tests on Friday or any return of his fever, it seems that he is on the road to recovery.  Thanks for praying along with us--it's been a very long 16 days!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Fever's Gone

Praise the Lord--no fever today!  He's tired which is what the doctors said to expect.  He will be on the antibiotic until Thursday.  Until then he's resting and not resuming any activities (band practice, etc.)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hopeful Sunday morning

It's been 8 hours since the last dose of Tylenol--temperature is normal!  Now to monitor it over the next 24 hours, but . . . . praying it's the end of "whatever" virus Stephen has had for the last 12 days.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday Update

Back to the lab today for a repeat of the same blood tests he had Monday and Thursday.  We get the idea that they are trying to draw some new conclusions from the ups and/or downs in the various subcategories.  He was supposed to have a mono test along with the test for the Epstein-Barr virus (the virus that causes mono.)  However, when we got to the lab, we found out that the Epstein-Barr test can only be done if the patient has been fasting.  Oops--we didn't know that!  So, that little bitty bowl of Cherrios that he ate this morning means we have to drive back to the lab tomorrow!  For some reason they didn't send us the results of the tests he did have--another thing to ask about tomorrow morning.  I guess, at least it is good news that the lab is open on Sunday.

As far as the fever goes--it seems to be well under control with the Tylenol every 6 hours.  It's been under 100 all day--most of the time under 99.5.  Today is the last day on Tylenol as we need to find out if the fever is really gone on it's own or only because of the Tylenol.

If it stays down, then we will assume that the antibiotic is doing its job and that it really is some type of bacterial infection (of unknown origin and type.)  If the fever comes back tomorrow or over the next few days, then we may be back to square one unless something shows up on the new tests he took today or will take tomorrow.

Thanks for praying for both of us!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Another day, but no firm diagnosis

It is dengue, it isn't dengue, it is dengue, it isn't dengue.  Today the doctor said it definitely wasn't/isn't dengue because with dengue the fever doesn't last more than a week--today is day 10.

Since the temporary fever break on Tuesday and corresponding rapid rise back to 103+ in the evening, we've been keeping him consistently on Tylenol.  Today it seems that the fever is slightly lower which begs the question:  why?  Is it the result of round-the-clock Tylenol, the result of the antibiotic he began on Tuesday evening or is the fever actually falling on it's own.

For now he's staying on the antibiotic for 7 more days with more blood tests tomorrow.  Will be looking for changes in the liver enzymes which were slightly elevated on the last 2 tests.  The doctor also request a mono test for good measure.

Bottom line is we still don't have a firm diagnosis even as far as knowing whether it viral or bacterial (contagious or not contagious.)  Still praying in Central America!  Thanks for doing the same in the states.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

No definitive answer

Seems we know less now than we did before.  The Dengue diagnosis appears to be a bit of a moving target.   His symptoms in the beginning were classic Dengue, but after 9 nine days of fever, it seems less likely.  We do know that his liver enzymes show inflammation, but, of course, we don't know if it's the reaction of the liver to the original Dengue virus or if there's something else going on.  All of that said, the doctor wants to wait until tomorrow to see him; we will repeat tests on Saturday morning to see if the liver enzymes are dropping or climbing.  In the meantime, he's staying on the antibiotic, we're still dealing with fever that cycles in and out and I've got a guy that just doesn't feel good!  Thanks for continuing to pray.

Another trip to the lab

Heading to the lab for Stephen's blood work this morning.  Praying that whatever needs to show up in the blood work will reveal itself and give the doctor the answers he needs to treat whatever it is.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Update on the Update

Well, we got excited when his temperature was normal this afternoon, but . . . . it didn't last.  Now back in full shiver mode and temperature heading up again.  Looks like this afternoon was a brief respite, but not the complete "fever break" he needs.

Wednesday Update

Yesterday afternoon Stephen's fever was over 103 so I called the doctor.  He said to go ahead and start him back on Tylenol.  He also prescribed a strong antibiotic (just in case) there was something else going on that he hadn't discovered.

Stephen was hoping when he got up this morning that everything would be back to normal, but his fever was still high before I left for school.  He called me about 10:30 a.m. and said he was sweating like he'd been running a  5K.  But, afterwards, his fever was 99!   Hurray!  We're praying that this is "the break" we've been waiting for and that this he can now start his recovery.

If it is the end of the fever as we hope, he will still be hanging out in the house for a week or two because the doctor's say that he will be really tired and his body will need time to recover from the virus.  Tomorrow he will repeat the blood tests and see the doctor in the afternoon.

Thanks to everyone for praying--I will definitely let you know if this is the beginning of the end!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday update

It was definitely good to have a diagnosis yesterday.  However, his doctor told me yesterday that he wants him off the fever-reducing medicine ASAP.  Told me no more than a dose on Monday night and then the last on Tuesday morning.  We held off last night until 8:30 when his fever was up to 103.1.  Gave him the "last" dose of Tylenol this morning at 6:00 to combat another round of chills and increasing temperature.  Please pray with me that he doesn't need more at the end of this 6- to 8-hour period.  (Advil is not recommended for use in patients with Dengue.)  This fever needs to break today and break permanently--the doctor said his liver is beginning to show signs of inflammation (hepatitis.)

Monday, October 15, 2012

The answer is: Dengue Fever

More tests today show that he does have Dengue Fever and that the tests last week were too early in the progress of the disease to be valid.  The good news is that fever caused by Dengue usually subsides after 6-8 days--meaning that he is near the end.  What remains after the fever is a period of fatigue that may last several weeks.  It's now time for him to get off all of the Tylenol and Advil as continued use of either/both is not good.

Thanks for praying--please continue to pray.  He will be repeating the tests on Thursday to be sure that everything is clearing up as is expected.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday night update

Stephen spent another feverish day on the couch.  Today the fever hovered between 101 and 102--one degree lower than yesterday.  It has continued all day, unlike yesterday when it was normal during the evening.  

Nancy, our friend from Guatemala who is staying with us for a few weeks, and I went to church this morning.  Stephen was definitely missed--the music just didn't sound right without the piano.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


The doctor called and all 4 of the tests were negative which means he doesn't have any tropical disease (malaria, etc.)  She said it really is just a virus so, once again, armed with Tylenol, we're waiting for the fever disappear permanently.  After being at 102-103 most of the day, his fever finally dropped to near normal around 6:30 tonight.  Praying that the worst is past us and that it doesn't return overnight or in the morning.  Thanks for your faithful prayers for both of us.

More tests

Doctora Colato has requested additional tests--we are on our way back to the lab right now.  Keep praying--his fever has been 102+ all day.

Keep praying

The fever continues this morning--near 103 on Tylenol.  Please keep praying for it to resolve over the next few days.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Not Dengue Fever

Stephen's test came back negative for Dengue fever, which is great news.  Bad news--it's some other virus which, unlike Dengue, may be contagious!  Praying his fever stays low or normal over the next couple of days and that I don't get whatever it is/was.


We made a trip to the lab at Hospital Diagnostico this morning.  They took some blood to check for Dengue.  We will have the results after lunch.

After we have the results, we plan to take them with us to the doctor this afternoon.  Will keep everyone posted.  Thanks for praying.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Prayer Request

Please pray for Stephen. He has had a fever (chills, headache, body aches) since Tuesday and we suspect he may have Dengue fever, although, so far, he hasn't had the typical rash.  Dengue is a mosquito-borne virus; there have been many cases this rainy season.  The alternate name for this virus is break-bone fever from the associated muscle and joint pain. Tomorrow, he will have a blood test to confirm. As the information below indicates, the only treatment is to manage the fever and pain.  We appreciate your prayers on his behalf.  I will update as I have more information.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Blogging in a time of busy-ness

I haven't been doing a very good job of blogging--things seem to be getting busier and busier here so there's very little time to sit down, reflect and write what's been going on.

So, you say, "What's going on?"

1.  Stephen is working in Lourdes (as previously mentioned.) This last week he only went on Monday and Friday.
2.  I'm back to teaching--lots of new lesson planning with 5th grade and, of course, paper grading.
3.  Stephen has band practice on Wednesday nights.
4.  We go to church on Thursday night and two services on Sunday.
5.  The church just started Level 2 discipleship called IDEM--in English, it means the Institute for Development of Ministry.  We meet every Tuesday night with a small group--the program is scheduled for 3 trimesters of 10 weeks each year for 3 years.  Yes, it's definitely a long-term commitment!
6.  Two Hilo, Agua and Biblia classes meet every other Saturday so there are always projects to ready.
7.  I am in the process of making curtains for the temporary sanctuary at Lourdes.  In fact, I need to move this up on the priority list because the curtains need to be up by this Saturday.
8.  Newsletter time is upon me again on Friday as is the schools celebration of "Day of the Child."
9.  We invited Nancy, one of our teachers from Antigua, to live with us for 6 weeks.  She arrived on September 23.  We are each trying to spend 15 hours studying Spanish with her.  Last week (our first), Stephen was able to get in 15, but I only got in 10.  Why?  See #11.
10.  The first campaign of the fall starts on Saturday with a team from South Carolina.
11.  Everything else like grocery shopping, cooking, eating, cleaning, washing clothes, paying bills, updating financial records and sleeping.

We're probably not busier than anyone else, but are definitely feeling the pinch of fitting everything in our days/weeks.  Please pray for us to keep the number one thing #1.  It's so easy to get caught up in the frenzy of daily life and forget that ministry is about a relationship with our Savior and not just a list of things to accomplish!