Thursday, November 29, 2012

Just like when I was 16

You know that first day you get your driver's license?  That's how I felt today after getting my Salvadoran driver's license--well, almost.  Once I got all of the documentation together:

  • lab work showing blood type
  • passport
  • El Salvador residence card
  • El Salvador NIT card
  • Notarized copy of my Missouri driver's license
the process was simple:  wait in line and then get required copies made; wait in line and then get documentation checked and get fingerprinted; wait in line and then pay fee ($57);  wait in line and then get eye exam and photo taken; wait in line and then provide personal details (name of father, mother, height/weight, description (according to them I have blond hair), drug allergies, address/phone numbers) and wait in line and sign for and receive the license!

Tomorrow Stephen goes to get his license so we will repeat the process!

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