Friday, February 14, 2014

Tahoe Trip

We left for Tahoe on Saturday afternoon--it's not a terribly long drive, but it was raining so we didn't make great time.  Not too far from the pass, Cal Trans was requiring chains.  Daniel and Stephen decided to pay one of the "professional" chain installers who were dressed in rain gear rather than doing it themselves.  As it turned out, we really didn't even need the chains as most of the time we were driving in slushy rain.  After clearing the highest point and starting down the mountain, one of the chains broke.  What a mess--it took Daniel, Stephen and a random stranger who offered to help more than 30 minutes to get the chains off.  

Anyway, we finally pulled into our condo rental at Tahoe Donner about 8:30 and got the kids off to bed; we had a quick supper, watched a little of the Olympics and called it a night.

Daniel and Maleia were hoping to ski on Sunday, but it rained all day.  They tell me that skiing in rain is very uncomfortable and cold as ski wear is made to repel snow, but not constant rain.  Maleia was a bit under the weather, so we took it easy.  Stephen and I were able to visit the shops in downtown Truckee while Daniel and Shannon took Maleia ice skating.

The weather on Monday was much nicer so we checked out of the condo and drove to Boreal Mountain.  Daniel and Maleia skied, Josiah and Shannon played in the snow and Stephen and I watched Aviah in the lodge.  

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