Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Rearrangement Fail

As you know I was so excited about rearranging the living room that I took pictures and blogged about it.  Well, today we moved it back like it was before--rats!

I assumed that the cable that came out of the wall that went to the TV and the cable that came out of the wall and went to the modem were exactly the same; and, as such, were interchangeable.  Maybe not! The day after I moved the TV we started noticing that the picture would break up on some of the channels and sometimes the sound would fade out for a few seconds.  We unconnected and then reconnected the cable to be sure it was screwed in tightly, but it didn't seem to help.  Then, there was last night's disastrous recording of Person of Interest (our favorite Tuesday night show.)  We always record it and watch it when we get home from IDEM.  Last night we cued it up and the sound was so bad we couldn't even follow the show.  Going to be looking for a place to watch it on line before the season finale next week.

Today we slid the TV/cable box close enough to plug it in to the original cable and "presto" no sound or picture problems!  So,  unfortunately, the room has been returned to its original configuration, minus a few changes with end tables and lamps.

We're going to be watching our Internet reliability going forward.  It's possible that the cable itself is going bad and that's why the TV wouldn't work in the location.  If that's the case, I'm already not looking forward to calling Tigo service and trying to explain the problem!  

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