Wednesday, April 9, 2014

On the road to recovery

We are hoping that the Monday night setback will be the last obstacle for Aviah to overcome.  Her x-ray at that time showed a possible bowel obstruction so they placed a NG tube and took her off all food.  

I talked to Daniel yesterday and he said they had decided to hold off on the upper GI as they were hoping her bowel just needed 24 hours of rest to restart itself.  Last night's x-ray revealed a more normal looking bowel so they started giving her Pedialyte (which she loved.)  Daniel said she seems to be a little "ticked off" at everyone that she can't have anything more to eat.  We all took that as a good sign!

Nevertheless she will be in the hospital through Friday in order to get the required 7-8 days of IV antibiotics; she will also have 7 days of oral antibiotics after discharge.  This infection (MSSA) is nothing to mess around with and doctor's want to be sure it is completely eradicated.  

She will still need the surgical (laparoscopic) procedure to remove the cyst, but it will likely be scheduled at the end of April, and, hopefully, can be done on an outpatient basis.  

We are so thankful that we have the opportunity to bring our petitions to the Great Physician and that he is faithful to hear our prayers.  Please continue to pray for complete recovery.

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