Saturday, April 5, 2014

Praying for Aviah

Our 4-month old granddaughter, Aviah, has been in the hospital since early Thursday morning when Daniel and Shannon took her to the emergency room.  It's been two and a half days of ups and downs as the doctor's have been working to diagnose her correctly.  

She is now at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital (part of the Stanford University Medical Center) undergoing treatment for an infected umbilical cyst.  Yesterday they performed a surgical procedure to drain the cyst which had been growing over the past 24 hours.  The infection has been identified as MSSA, which, although one step below the antibiotic resistant infection called MRSA, still requires very strong antibiotics.

She is on IV antibiotics and will likely remain on them for several days until they are sure she is infection free.  In addition, they are watching to see if there are any additional problems with her digestive system since her stomach has remained distended even after the reduction of the cyst.

Please pray for her and for her parents, Daniel and Shannon.  Shannon's parents are staying with Maleia and Josiah so that Daniel and Shannon are free to stay with Aviah.  Pray for wisdom for the doctor's, that the antibiotics will help rid her body of the infection and that there will be no other complications.

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