Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Spelling Bee Fun

Roxana QuiƱones, Principal of New Life School; Frank Pagluigh, 5th grade spelling coach; five 5th-grade students; seven 6th-grade students and I all arrived at Escuela Cristiana Oasis yesterday morning for the ACSI Spelling Bee.  Mr. Pagluigh and I had worked with each of our grades for the last month.  

More than 15 Christian, bi-lingual schools across El Salvador sent participants--there were 178 students this year.  Due to the size, each grade level was divided into two sections.  The four top spellers from each section met in grade-level finals where the grade-level winners were decided.

It was so exciting to have three of our 6th-graders in their grade-level final and to watch Amy Flores receive the 3rd place medallion for 6th grade.

Sixth-grade champions

 Andres, Carlos and Amy--our 6th grade finalists

Amy and me

Amy with Mrs. Roxana and Mrs. Patty, plus a close up of her and her medal

Today, Roxana, Amy and I returned for the final competition.  Sixteen students (4 grade-level winners from each grade (5th, 6th, 7th and 8th) participated in today's final round.  Before today's bee started, ACSI Spelling Bee Coordinator, Ana Lucia, reminded all of the students that they were already champions.

We were so proud of Amy--she did an amazing job with words like "affability" and "avid."  She completed five rounds and finished in 6th place!  

With Ms. Roxana and Amy after the final round this morning

After today's event we returned to New Life to distribute the diplomas to the participants.  

5th Grade Spellers--Valeria, Daniela, Ericka, Laura and Kenneth

6th Grade Spellers--Alejandra, Amy, Sofia, Gaby, Andres, Juan Carlos and Carlos

We are proud of the entire team--we know how hard they studied.  Now it's time to start preparing for next year!

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