Thursday, March 13, 2014

Presidential Election

You may or may not be aware that the general, presidential election was held last Sunday, March 9.  Because of that, we were not able to have our regular Sunday morning services in the hotel. During elections, the Crown Plaza Hotel serves as the headquarters for counting all of the votes in the country.  It is full of officials from TSE (the official "vote counters"), the press, international observers and other officials. Instead, there were three services at our church building in Miravalle.  The band from the hotel played at the third service.  Our teams from Valley and Abundant Life are staying in the hotel but went to the service in Lourdes where they were able to hear Pastor Steve's message translated into English.  

In past elections, it has been normal for the vote tally to be completed by evening.  However, this year, the results were too close to call . . . . less than 6000 votes difference out of more than 3 million votes cast.  As a result, the TSE was not willing to declare a victor and, of course, the candidate who "lost" wanted a recount.  Beginning on Tuesday, there were peaceful protests near the hotel so access was restricted to only essential personnel and guests.  The process of picking up and dropping off the team has been quite interesting.    

As of last night the recount was completed and the election results have been certified.  The recount confirmed the initial results.  The FMLN party won the election with 50.11% of the votes; the Arena party received 49.89% and the difference remained approximately 6000 votes.

When we dropped off the teams at the hotel after our morning campaign we found all of the streets open and the hotel is finally back to normal.  

Please pray for this country . . . . obviously, only half of the country is happy with the choice.  

 Pastor Steve giving devotions--you can see the press gathered around a door in the background.
Members of the press juggling for position and waiting for updates.  The team members 
had to pass through this crowd to reach their rooms.
Police in the street to stop motorists from driving near the hotel.  Although it's difficult to see, 
one block up the hill there is a wire barricade and more police.

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